What is Reiki? Reiki Introduction.
Reiki is a complementary therapy that teaches us about life energy. People all over the world have recognized a force in the universe as the source of all life. According to Reiki, “life is an energy” that has a particular vibration and permits life. As living beings, we have a natural capacity to receive, enhance, and redirect this energy beyond time and space.
Have you ever noticed that when you bang your leg, you unconsciously touch the hurting part and make a sound for help? When someone is in pain, you give them a hug or a hand for support and an expression of the love you feel.
Reiki is a great self-healing tool that can balance the energy level by placing your hand over the needed area of the body. It is a speaking hand, sensing and sending the warmth of your heart and inner being to yourself or to people around you who need energy. A kind touch, and that is Reiki.
This simple yet fabulous method was rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in 1890 in Kyoto, Japan, from the box containing manuscripts on Tantra, the Lightening Flash. Reiki teaches us how to receive, enhance, and redirect this energy to people, situations, or anything that needs our help.
Benefits of Reiki
What are the general benefits of Reiki?
- Reiki helps you relax your physical, mental and emotional self. Reiki calms you down. It improves your sleep quality.
- Reiki freshens up you with a balanced level of energy flow once you learn to relax.
- Reiki Improves your body’s stress response.
- Reiki helps Heal You from Depression and Anxiety. It can be a vital tool for pain management. It decreases pain perceptions.
- Through the practice of Reiki, you get to know your energy field and how to connect with it. How to work with your energy. and how to heal your distracted energy flow.

Reiki Course and Class
Explore reiki with us from our ongoing reiki course, and classes with participatory certification.

Reiki First /Self-Healing Class
Be sensitive to your energy field, Recognize, Enhance, Activate, and Heal yourself With life-force.
The journey into Reiki starts with the fundamental question of what it is and its history. Learning Reiki means learning about your life energy manifesting itself in various ways. By being aware of your life force, you begin to understand the energy that flows through you from multiple sources and is the source of life itself. You can channel this energy to heal yourself or use it creatively, instead of wasting it on pain and suffering.
Genuine self-love means caring and consciously selecting where you invest your time and energy. Join us in exploring the depths and heights of Reiki and its potential by relaxing, meditating, and deeply healing yourself.
- Reiki Introduction (What is reiki?)
- Reiki History (How Reiki was Discovered?)
- Reiki Principle (5 moral Principle of Reiki)
- Human Energy body
- Reiki Energy Principle (Universal Energy Principle)
- Attunement (initiation into Reiki System)
- How to practice Reiki? (21days Self-Healing Practices)
Reiki First learning takes up to 3 days.
First Degree Reiki cost 210$ (USD).
Participating in our Reiki First class includes:
- Twin sharing Accommodation (Two people may share one room depending on groups or availability.)
- Seasonal Nepali westernized Food (Breakfast, Lunch, Tea-Snacks, and Dinner)
- Reiki Manual
- Complete Reiki First Degree Course and Attunement (Initiation into Reiki Healing Tradition)
- Reiki Participatory Certification

Reiki Second /Healing Other Class
Be sensitive to others energy field, help heal others across time and space.
- Reiki Symbol (What it is and how to work with them?)
- Esoteric Principle of the Universe
- How to do Healing in Other?
- How to do a distant healing?
- How to unblock the energy?
- How to protect yourself and other?
- Attunement (Initiation into Reiki System)
- Practice Reiki
Reiki Second learning takes up to 3 days.
Second Degree Reiki cost 280$ (USD).
Participating in our Reiki Second class includes:
- Twin sharing Accommodation (Two people may share one room depending on groups or availability.)
- Seasonal Nepali westernized Food (Breakfast, Lunch, Tea-Snacks, and Dinner)
- Reiki Manual
- Complete Reiki Second Degree Course and Attunement (Initiation into Reiki Healing Tradition)
- Reiki Participatory Certification

Reiki Third/Teaching Reiki Class
Take a responsibility to share and care your reiki journey with others
- Reiki Master Symbol (What it is and how to work with it?)
- How to do an attunement?
- Attunement (Initiation into Reiki Master Tradition)
- Christal Healing
- How to Teach Reiki?
Reiki Third or Master level learning takes up to 3 days.
Third Degree Reiki cost 320$ (USD).
Participating in our Reiki Second class includes:
- Twin sharing Accommodation (Two people may share one room depending on groups or availability.)
- Seasonal Nepali westernized Food (Breakfast, Lunch, Tea-Snacks, and Dinner)
- Reiki Manual
- Complete Reiki Second Degree Course and Attunement (Initiation into Reiki Healing Tradition)
- Reiki Participatory Certification
My personal experience and experimentation with reiki

I came to know Reiki many years back as being a “gunny pig” what they used to call an experimental body. I felt a heat from a teacher to me. It was calming and quietening of my mind kind of experience. Then I remembered I used to go and sleep with my grandmother until very gigantic, grown up. Whenever I felt fear, pain, and suffering I ran immediately to her. As soon as I got to her presence, I felt a worthy and safe feeling. Then I understood what true Reiki is. Since then, I have experimented with it in many areas. Learning Reiki is learning your dimension of energy and its life-giving vibration. Yoga called it a pran. Life force.
I welcome you all to learn Reiki with me in Nepal. Participate our 3 day training to heal yourself with Reiki power. and Enjoy energetic life.